Fir Ends Primary School

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Smithfield, Carlisle, Cumbria, CA6 6AY

01228 675283

Fir Ends Primary School

Be the best you can be


Complaint Procedure

Where concerns are raised, the school will always endeavour to find a resolution to these. Where this does not happen, a concern may be escalated to a formal complaint. 

In the first instance, any complaints should be addressed through a meeting with the person concerned, or their line manager if the complainant is a member of staff,  arranged through the school office or, where the complaint concerns an aspect of school policy or practice, with the Headteacher directly.

In the event that this does not resolve a concern, the following policy must be followed by all parties.

Any complaint that is received that does not comply with the policy will be referred back to the complainant to be resubmitted in the correct way. 

If you have a concern or complaint to raise, please ensure you have read the policy in full and are clear about the process beforehand.

A complaints form pro-forma is available at the bottom of the page.