Fir Ends Primary School

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Fir Ends Primary School

Be the best you can be

    1. News
    2. School News
    3. Merry Christmas

    Merry Christmas

    20 December 2022 (by Daryl Spencer (darylspencer))

    ...and a happy new year!

    We've reached the end of a busy Autumn term, with some relief.

    Despite the bugs and bad weather that have battered everyone a bit during the latter half, it's been reassuringly productive and our pupils have continued to make us very proud: caring relationships and hard work have been evident in every classroom. The nativity performances over the past fortnight were the icing on the cake. 

    There is no A4 page to digest as we start the Christmas break (with just three shopping days to go...!), We'll share lots of  information for the New Year after the festivities have passed instead. This will include bookings for KS1 & 2 progress evenings on Tuesday 10th and Wednesday 11th January.

    Please do consider making a resolution to join next term's adult education sessions (Mondays from 1.30pm, starting 16th Jan): this will be entitled 'Bags of Health' and will offer an opportunity to develop a personal kitbag of wellbeing resources. 

    In the meantime, enjoy the season, be merry and get ready for a fantastic 2023!

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