Parent (and pupil) Post Lockdown Survey24 March 2021 (by Daryl Spencer (darylspencer)) |
A survey to help us reflect upon the recent lockdown (and year) and plan for recovery
We have prepared a post-lockdown survey to gauge the current situation so that we can reflect and begin to identify priorities for the summer term and beyond.
It covers:
Section 1: LOCKDOWN LEARNING - Parent and pupil experiences of remote learning during lockdown - to help inform any future remote learning activity
Section 2: BACK TO SCHOOL - How your child has readjusted to school life
Section 3: WORRIES & CONCERNS - Things that are a specific pastoral or academic worry for you or your child(ren)
Section 4: THE FUTURE - What would you put on a 'wishlist for the future' that we can attempt to build into our own planning?
This will be relinked in Friday's newsletter, but if you have time to discuss with each other and your children before than and can complete it, it would be much appreciated.